Here are all the basics...
FROM: Presbytery Disaster Response Committee.
RE: Whirlwind Tours, Mission Work Trips
On Sunday September 18th Presbytery voted its wholehearted support of an all Presbytery effort to serve the people in need in the hurricane disaster areas to our south. All Presbyterian churches and members therein are asked to read further, think and talk about ways to help and then join in our effort to serve God by serving others.
The Presbytery of East TN Presbytery staff and the Disaster Response Committee of Presbytery will provide planning. (D.R. Committee is currently composed of Fritz Schilling-Chair, Cindy Benz, Charles Montgomery, Rob Mellgard, Mark and Becky Downs) and the Presbytery Mission Work Trips Planning Team (Coordinated by Rick Kuhlman)
Participants will be all members of any Presbyterian Church in the Presbytery of East Tennessee and those who wish to join with Presbyterians for these work trips. The UT-Knoxville and UT-Chattanooga trips outlined below will be specifically for students of these 2 campuses, students of other college campuses and leaders as needed.
Anyone with a desire to serve is welcome to participate.
The Whirlwind Mission Work Trips will go to the areas effected by Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana South Alabama and Mississippi.
Our Presbytery work parties will focus on assisting with “mucking out” rehab and repair of Presbytery properties, local mission sites, local Presbyterian affiliated organizations and the people of the area. All work will be coordinated with the on scene representatives of the General Assembly Disaster Assistance Teams and the staff of the effected Presbyteries.
a. Assembling at various points in the Presbytery we will move together to the effected areas. (Bring your UT window flags)
b. The trips will go to South Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana (Exact locations still to be determined and coordinated with the on scene contacts)
c. We will be housed and cared for by the GA Disaster Assistance supported camps and local churches who will provide housing and bath facilities.
October 13-16, UTK fall break weekend, October 21-25 UTC fall break weekend. College age students and campus leaders work trip.
November 5-12 All Presbytery Mission Work Trip
December 26- January 1, 2006 - All Presbytery Mission Work Trip. (Get your high school youth groups aimed at this trip!)
To serve God by loving and serving our neighbors
Because we can and because we should
To connect the Presbytery in a joint, hands on, mission effort.
To be good stewards of our Presbyteries resources.
To set a precedent for the future
The teams of organizers now at work in the effected areas are pleading with people to come in larger groups. They just can’t plan for every small group that wants to come.
With the support of all the churches of the Presbytery of East Tennessee and their members through the coordinated giving of time, talent and treasure.
PROCESS, Where can you go from here?
Pray for our effort, for the planning, the equipping of the saints, for the people in leadership, for the people we will be helping.
If you wish to volunteer and join one of the trips go to the Presbytery web site,, and download the application and instructions pages from the Whirlwind Tours Mission Work Trips link. Fill out the application completely and mail it (US post type mail) to the Presbytery Disaster Relief Office. There is a list of what you will need to bring included.
Coordinate with your church to gather a number of volunteers who can carpool together and join with other groups for the trip and to raise support funds to pool together for the Presbytery.
If you can’t go but can help, sponsor a fundraiser, have a dinner, a church yard sale, a special Sunday collection or just write a check. [Make checks for the mission work trips payable to Hurricane Mission Work Trips fund #84500 and mail it to the Presbytery Disaster Relief Office. P.O. Box 5436, Knoxville TN 37928-0436]
Keep up with the planning process by checking the Presbytery web site regularly. If you have questions e-mail them to, or call the Presbytery office at (865) 688-5581.
Presbytery Of East Tennessee
Mission Work Trips
Hurricane Disaster Relief
As of 09/22/05 "After the whirlwind came a still small voice"
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