Thursday, January 05, 2006


Are you looking for a way you can help those devastated by Katrina? Then I strongly recommend volunteering for the next mission trip to Biloxi. Having just returned from being a part of an indescribable roofing mission blitz to Biloxi Mississippi, I can tell you, that together Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Lord have put together a fantastic support infrastructure that makes it very easy to apply whatever talent you have to assist the folks in need. What is needed most is time and service of people willing to do the Lord’s work in this place. Work needs have been identified and prioritized. Tools are available. There is a place to sleep and to get fed, and opportunities to worship. The recent trip had workers from age 11 through 79+. All found a way to contribute. All you have to do is sign up and go. A word of warning: you will not return as the same person. The encounters with the Lord’s work and incredible spirit of the people you will meet will change you forever.

Dave Nippert – Crew 5 Leader


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