Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Everyone who has participated in a Katrina Relief Mission Trip especially the Christmas Blitz is invited to a reunion meeting to see the pictures and DVD presentation of the trip. We will meet at 2:30 PM at 2nd Presbyterian Church, Knoxville for what is planned as an hour of reflecting, fellowship, exploring the future and food. Grab a quick lunch after worship and come for snack and meeting. If you have pictures bring them to share.

The next big trip supported by the Presbytery Disaster Response Team will be March 18-25. The major thrust of this trip is to get college age people to go on their spring break on this trip but all ages - high school and up are invited. Look here on the blog for more info but the same application and contact for application (Rick Kulhman) will be in place for this trip.

If your church or several churches together would like plan their own trip we will be happy to facilitate your work and plug your people into the network. We have proven this can be done all you need is the desire and a few key leaders. Groups of 8 and up are welcome.

Skills are needed in the following areas for all trips. Roofers, truck owners, big delivery trucks and pick-ups electricians and builders.
Thanks for all the support we are experiencing a wonderful generosity and God’s grace is working on us as we work.


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A deep bed of drifted snow lay close by the side of the road not far in front.. Well, then, there lived Monsieur Poopoo ever since he came from dear, delightful Paris, as he was wont to call the city of his nativity--there he took in the pennies for his kickshaws--there he laid aside five thousand dollars against a rainy day--there he was as happy as a lark--and there, in all human probability, he would have been to this very day, a respected and substantial citizen, had he been willing to let well alone.. They were bowling along through another avenue of trees when the driver suddenly shouted, Whoa there! The horses were brought up with a jerk that was well nigh fatal to the assortment of dignity inside the coach.. Instinctively he clutched Buller.. His wife did not bother him.. Lick him! Lick him! exclaimed Buller.. This wagon is not a bad boat.. Let it not be supposed that Master Horner was of a cruel and ogrish nature--a babe-eater--a Herod--one who delighted in torturing the helpless.. Horner's attempts to detain her, rushed into the house without vouchsafing him a word of adieu, and left him standing, no bad personification of Orpheus, after the last hopeless flitting of his Eurydice.. I dreamed of gorgeous fleets, silken sailed and blown by perfumed winds, drifting over those depthless waters and through those spacious skies.. The dream work takes on, as it were, only the essential content of the dream thoughts for elaboration.. It was exactly as I had expected.. We are really in no position to demonstrate regularly a stream of thought antagonistic to the dream-wish which is realized in the dream as in its counterpart.. Unsolved problems, harassing cares, overwhelming impressions continue the thinking activity even during sleep, maintaining psychic processes in the system which we have termed the foreconscious.. Nevertheless, the situation provoked the intensest curiosity.. As far as the direction is concerned in this third part of the dream, it may be said that here again the movement is progressive.. I--I think the worst of it is over.. There was no need of disputing the fact that the dream interprets the objective sensory stimuli after the manner of an illusion; but we have supplied the motive for this interpretation which has been left undecided by the authorities.. Delighted, I'm sure, murmured Ralph, shaking hands, and then he slipped out as quickly as possible.. You are quite at liberty to read it...

At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fix it up again, sonny, he said, renewing his broad, confiding smile, as the spruce young man poised a glass inquiringly. Like almost all old people who talk of the past, the Major loved to linger over details.. The medical profession is justly conservative.. I vish you may go to de devil yourself you dem yankee-doo-dell, and I vill go and drown myself, tout de suite , right avay.. I mention this incident to illustrate the lack of conventionality and whimsical originality of the man, that stood out no less forcibly in his writings than in his daily life.. Can any Inmate give me a motto for M.. If I felt myself warmly drawn to any one I struggled with the fierce desire of seeing him through the spectacles.. He must be snubbed a little.. He was amply supplied with jewelry in which he felt perfect satisfaction.. Some of the jests to which we have listened are not new to me, though I dare say you may not have heard them often before.. The dreamer inquired about the details of this unusual occurrence, and learned that the servant-girl went with her lover to the home of her parents, where there was no opportunity for sexual relations, and that the excited man performed the act on the stairs.. The defendant rose abruptly, and tearing himself away from the withholding hand and pleading protestations of his counsel, absolutely fled from the courtroom, his appearance outside being recognized by a prolonged Kerrow from the bystanders, which again and again followed him in the distance.. I was not surprised when, after breakfast, my wife invited the Bredes to walk with us to our view.. He was playing at 'puff the dart,' which is played with a long needle inserted in some worsted, and blown at a target through a tin tube.. ' I'm so glad for him. Other stories of his deserving of special mention are: A Corner in Farmers (February, 29, 1908, Saturday Evening Post ), A Fortune in Smoke (March 14, 1908, Saturday Evening Post ), Easy Money (November 14, 1908, Saturday Evening Post ), The Triple Cross (December 5, 1908, Saturday Evening Post ), Spoiling the Egyptians (December 26, 1908, Saturday Evening Post ), Whipsawed! (January 16, 1909, Saturday Evening Post ), The Bubble Bank (January 30 and February 6, 1909, Saturday Evening Post ), Straight Business (February 27, 1909, Saturday Evening Post ), Sam Turner: a Business Man's Love Story (March 26, April 2 and 9, 1910, Saturday Evening Post ), Fundamental Justice (July 25, 1914, Saturday Evening Post ), A Scropper Patcher (October, 1916, Everybody's ), and Jolly Bachelors (February, 1918, Cosmopolitan ).. Violent and unmanageable Punsters, who interrupt others when engaged in conversation, with Puns or attempts at the same, shall be deprived of their Joseph Millers , and, if necessary, placed in solitary confinement.. The foundation is here laid for a very definite assumption concerning the nature of the affective development. No, my dear, no; can't allow it. The donkey, also convinced that the object before which he had halted was supernatural, started back violently upon seeing it apparently turn to a man...


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